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Thursday, June 30, 2016

HBO reveals who Jon Snow's parents are and it is exactly as we predicted!

HBO reveals who Jon Snow’s parents are and it is exactly as we predicted!

We finally know who Jon Snow’s parents are and while the last episode just left it as a speculation, we have confirmed news on the same. Oh and yes, major spoiler alert!

This piece of info is gonna be a major spoiler for season 7 so read it at your own risk! The last episode of season six of Game Of Thrones showcased a very warm relationship shared between sibling, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. When Sansa appointed Jon as the King of the North and he said that she’s the rightful person for the throne as she saved the war and turned it around and besides he’s not even a Stark. To which, Sansa replies, “You’re Stark enough for me.” Now that was very touching. But what will happen when Sansa and Jon come to know of Jon’s origin and the fact that he’s half a Stark and a Targaryen? Oops! I’ve spilt the beans on that one! To be on the safer side, I’d like to add that it wasn’t me who ruined it for you but HBO!

We just found out that the theory of R+L=J (Rhaegar Targaryen + Lyanna Stark = Jon Snow) is, in fact, true! Although the makers in the finale episode did fuel to the fire to the speculation revolving around the R+L=J theory by showing Bran Stark’s vision of Ned finding Lyanna in a pool of blood up in the Tower of Joy and the scene quickly shifting to Jon’s face. This one chart released by the just confirmed the same. They’ve prepared a chart that explains a lot of things such as who is whose parent, guardian, who killed whom, who served whom, allies, enemies and a lot more.

For all those who aren’t aware of the history revolving around Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, here’s how it goes. Here’s an excerpt from the blog that will give you a better idea:

The only daughter of Rickard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Lyanna Stark was engaged to marry Robert Baratheon. According to Littlefinger, eyebrows were raised at a tourney hosted at Harrenhal when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen rode past his own wife, Princess Elia Martell, and presented his winner’s crown of winter roses to Lyanna instead.Sometime after, news spread that Rhaegar had abducted Lyanna. When her brother Ned made his way to Dorne and found the Tower of Joy, he discovered his sister, Lyanna, drenched in blood and sweat on a bed. “Promise me, Ned,” she whispered as a brown-eyed newborn was placed into her brother’s arms.

Check out the chart below!


Well? Excited for season 7 now, are we? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!

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HBO reveals who Jon Snow's parents are and it is exactly as we predicted!

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